The hearth and seasoned wood

use of fire since prehistoric times

prehistoric fireplace

One of the earliest forms of use of fire in prehistoric times was called a "bowl of fire" a kind of hole dug into the ground.

Then the "hearth" was raised with stones placed in a circle around the hole. Later it was further raised with earth and stones.

Only later the hearth was circumscribed with a "wall" thus becoming safer inside the houses and improving the way food is cooked.

Weathered wood and combustion

wood seasoning wood

Wood seasoning is a fundamental process because as soon as it is cut it has a high moisture content, around 60% of its weight, therefore of water.

For a better yield it is necessary to reduce this humidity through the seasoning, which can last either an entire summer (humidity decreases up to 25%) or even two years (moisture content even of 15-20%) optimal value to be able to use it for energy purposes.

During combustion, a certain amount of energy is released in the chemical bonds between the substances that make up the wood, if there is a lot of humidity inside the wood in combustion, a large part of this energy is used to evaporate the 'water and not to provide heating.


The modern fireplaces


The first chimneys leaning against the wall


Heat from combustion


Masonry stoves


Heating direct gain


Indirect gain heating

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