Green building principles

bio-ecological architecture and natural environment


looking for an indispensable balance

It was 1989 when a group of architects promulgated the manifesto of bioecological architecture.

In this document it was explained how it would have been impossible and unhealthy to continue the building development as it was then conceived.

The indiscriminate use of soil, overbuilding, wild urbanism and pollution generated by it which created unnatural and non-ideal conditions for life could not last forever.

It was necessary to rethink the construction system, the types, the materials used, it was therefore necessary a profound rethinking of the concept of building itself.

It was therefore proposed to no longer use natural resources in an indiscriminate way, to use biocompatible materials and to construct and restructure the existing with the aim of creating a balance between the natural environment and human activities.

energy certification

Since then, what has changed? the business of Eco green.

We could say a lot, a greater sensitivity first, to environmental issues and a search for solutions for energy saving and to reduce pollution.

However, everything however came back into the concept of profit. The reality is that laws and economic incentives have been created to "sell" those that are proposed as solutions to environmental problems.

Concretely, all this has been an excuse to propose and sell technologies and products that, to a careful analysis, are not so eco-compatible.

To give an example, every house has been forced (in case of sale or rent) to come with an energy certificate, yet another bureaucratic tax that does not improve the environmental condition but lightens the wallet.


Differentiated thermal environments


Historic housing forms




Skin of the building


Excavation foundations and radon


Solar orientation of buildings and energy saving

Portaombrelli design Luca Perlini


Portaombrelli design Luca Perlini

Attaccapanni equilibrio design Luca Perlini


Attaccapanni equilibrio design Luca Perlini

Letto baldacchino design Luca Perlini


Letto baldacchino design Luca Perlini

Tavolo cave design Luca Perlini


Tavolo cave design Luca Perlini

Attaccapanni Bitta set design Luca Perlini


Attaccapanni Bitta design Luca Perlini

Attaccapanni Bitta set design Luca Perlini


Poltrona Ozio design Luca Perlini

Portaombrelli design Luca Perlini

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