Drill the tiles

tips to vidia and percussion drill

Foratura piastrelle

Steady hand and right tools

To drill a tiled wall and insert a dowel, it is necessary to have a good percussion drill and specific tips for masonry with a vidia plate.

Drill bit

Initially it is important not to press too much because the tip must center itself creating a small hole, then it will be possible to apply a higher pressure.

If the hole to be made is large, go step by step, make a guide hole with a diameter smaller than necessary and then repeat it with a bit with a larger diameter. This will allow you to drill more accurately.

It is necessary to be very careful because the systems often pass through the walls like water pipes or the electrical system, therefore carefully perforated trying to avoid unpleasant problems.

punte tazza diamatete

Tiles in gres

During drilling, stoneware tiles are very rigid and tend to break like glass.

One method to prevent this problem is to use diamond drill bits and avoid using the drill's beater function.

We also recommend to wet the tip continuously with water during cutting.


Plaster cracks


The walls


Repair a wall edge


Plastering masonry


Laying of the floors



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