Disposition of the premises of a dwelling

natural light is better

home local orientation

The rooms of a house should ideally be arranged according to their function in order to make the most of natural light

This practice would allow a series of optimizations:

  • Natural lighting, improves mood, improves the quality of light
  • Reduces consumption, reduced openings on the northern front of the building decrease heat loss

We will therefore keep the premises linked to daytime activities facing the south side, such as kitchen, living room.

While corridors, rooms and service rooms in general will preferably be turned to the north.

hotel compass

Building inputs, heat on the run

Often the entry of premises or houses is not protected from the heat leaks arising from the opening of the doors.

In the case of shops, especially the continuous passage creates heat dispersion, therefore consumption and pollution.

To remedy this problem it would be enough to double the doors creating an antechamber that does not allow the hot air inside the building to go out.

An example of this is the revolving entry compass used in hotels.


Historic housing forms


Architectural forms


Prehistoric dwellings


The openings


Feng shui


Thermohygrometric wellbeing

Portaombrelli design Luca Perlini


Portaombrelli design Luca Perlini

Attaccapanni equilibrio design Luca Perlini


Attaccapanni equilibrio design Luca Perlini

Letto baldacchino design Luca Perlini


Letto baldacchino design Luca Perlini

Tavolo cave design Luca Perlini


Tavolo cave design Luca Perlini

Attaccapanni Bitta set design Luca Perlini


Attaccapanni Bitta design Luca Perlini

Attaccapanni Bitta set design Luca Perlini


Poltrona Ozio design Luca Perlini

Portaombrelli design Luca Perlini

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