Respiratory diseases in cats

they affect several organs

pharyngitis laryngitis tracheitis

They can be of viral origin, or as a consequence of excessive coughing, which many mistake with attempts to expel foreign bodies or hair from the throat.

Added to these symptoms are fever and loss of appetite. It is rare to see inflammation that affects only the trachea, in fact often more organs of the apparatus are affected and, when the lungs are also affected, the cough becomes fatter due to the presence of phlegm.

bronchitis may lead to respiratory insufficiency

bronchitis or bronchiolitis

They start with a dry cough that becomes, over time, more productive and sometimes accompanied by breathing difficulties.

feline asthma

feline asthma: an allergic asthma

It's an allergic asthma typical of felines. It can be caused by cigarette smoke, dust, or spray. It manifests itself with sudden breathing difficulties, dilated pupil rales and extreme need for air.


They are characterized by a decline in the general condition of the cat, breathing difficulties and nasal discharge. Cough is not present unless the bronchi are also affected. In the most extreme cases, the cat breathes with its mouth open to try to collect as much air as possible.

pulmonary edema

It's a stasis of fluid in the lungs. It arises rapidly, due to toxic, infectious causes, respiratory or heart failure. The cat has difficulty in breathing, cyanotic mucous membranes and loud rales.


They are sometimes metastases from other cancers. The symptoms are cough, nasal discharge, or they can manifest themselves with symptoms that cannot be traced back such as weight loss, loss of appetite and fever.


Cat ear diseases

manuale faidate


Diseases of the cat's gastrointestinal tract


Diseases of the cat genital system


Cat urinary tract diseases


Cat skin diseases


Diseases of the cat nervous system

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