Ready food

food alternatives

croquettes (or treats) for cats

dry foods

croquettes (known as croquettes to most people) are a widely used food thanks to their richness in lipids and their high palatability. It is essential to make sure that the croquettes are made up of healthy and nutritious ingredients dosed according to the tables in force in Europe.

Advantages: The big advantage of dry foods is definitely the fact that they are long-lasting foods and can be left in the bowl for reasonably long periods without being altered.

disadvantages: due to the fact that they are dry they must always be accompanied by a bowl of water.

cat consuming his portion of wet food

wet foods

On the market there are contained in bags or envelopes, it is a very palatable food, there are different flavors. It would be better to use single-dose packs, due to its rapid alteration upon exposure to air.

advantages: also excellent when traveling due to the high humidity.

disadvantages: the fragrance changes quickly in contact with the air.


Cat obesity


When and how to feed the cat


Fresh food


Cat appetite

manuale faidate


Cat feeding rules

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