Cat carrier

there are carriers of different materials

There are carriers of different materials:

wicker carrier cat standing on its plastic carrier
  • wicker beautiful and elegant, not very recommended because, in addition to being unhygienic, they are easily damaged and even risk being damaged by their guests' nails.

  • wire mesh practical and cheap, they cannot provide the cat with shelter from the elements as well as make them subject to temperature changes.

  • plastic available in all shapes and sizes, these carriers are easy to wash and are also approved for air travel, certainly the most recommended.

how to carry them around

cat on a leash

For daily outings in the company of your cat, different types of bags and shoulder straps are available, also equipped with carabiners to secure the animal's harness, so that it does not escape.

On the other hand, if you are used to it from an early age, you can take it on a leash, obviously you shouldn't expect it to obey and follow its owner like a dog.

It is important to always keep your pet under control, as otherwise it could be dangerous.


Games for the cat


Ideal age of the cat


Cat education


Bringing a cat home


How to calculate the age of the cat


Cat or cat?

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