Games for the cat

the moment of the game with the master

A cat that has room to turn has much more entertainment than a cat confined to the four walls of the house. Contrary to common belief, the presence of the owner is more desired than ever, a good owner should dedicate a few moments of the day to play with his cat.

puppy cat attracted to a rubber ball in the lawn

In moments of solitude it is advisable to equip it with stimulating games: the balls are perfect, made of paper, plastic, leather or rubber, every cat from a month of life to adulthood will not be able to resist this fascinating attraction. / p>

Also suitable are mice with or without fur easily found in any pet shop.

a little secret

make a ball of 1.5 / 2 centimeters in diameter with tinfoil, many cats, managing to hold it in their mouth, once thrown, bring it back to the owner for a new launch.


Territorial cat fields


Decalogue of the cat


Cat education


How to calculate the age of the cat


Cat litter


Ideal age of the cat

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