Parvovirus affects dogs at any age but is dangerous in young animals, where it can cause a fatal gastrointestinal or myocardial form.
The main source of infection is contaminated feces and it spreads rapidly from animal to animal.
Following the ingestion of the virus, its replication takes place in the lymphoid tissue of the oropharynx which is followed by a marked viremia. It usually manifests itself as foamy vomiting and in some cases diarrhea.
At the same time the dog will present fever or hypothermia in acute cases with severe dehydration: the outcome can be fatal within 24-48 hours. Everything is in the timeliness of the owner to take the dog to the vet.
In cases with a longer course, breathing difficulties and cyanosis of the mucous membranes may be noted before death occurs. The use of parenteral antiemetics, antidiarrheals and antibiotics and the use of intravenous rehydrating and support solutions are recommended.
Vaccination is very important and it is advisable until the dog has completed the vaccination plan not to take it to places frequented by other dogs.
It is also advisable not to replace a dead dog of parvo without allowing at least 3-4 months because the virus remains viable in the environment for a long time.
During the illness it is necessary to suspend the administration of food to leave the intestine to rest. The restoration of the normal diet must take place in a long time, even up to 4/6 weeks to allow the digestive tract to return to its total functionality.