Endocrine system of the dog

hormonal system

dog endocrine apparatus

The dog's endocrine system, also called the hormonal system, consists of:

  • Hypothalamus is an area of ​​the brain

  • Pituitary or pituitary gland is an endocrine gland located at the base of the skull

  • Thyroid : it is an endocrine gland that embraces the first 5-8 rings of the trachea with its two lobes. It secretes hormones that affect the metabolism. Excessive production or reduction of thyroid hormones causes hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism, respectively

  • Parathyroid

  • Adrenal : also called adrenal glands, are equal organs located in front of the kidneys. They produce hormones that act on energy and salt metabolism and also sex hormones, in small quantities

  • Pancreas : large gland located in the abdomen closely connected to the small intestine. It is responsible for producing enzymes for digestion and insulin, an important hormone for regulating glucose in the blood and available to cells and tissues

  • Kidney : equal organs that together with the bladder and urethra make up the urinary system. Their function is to eliminate part of the waste substances through the formation of urine. The term kidneys also indicates the area located between the last rib and the pelvic area

  • Gonads (testicles or ovaries-corpuluteum)

  • Placenta

Everything is controlled by the nervous system which plays the role of regulating cellular functions through hormones, molecular messengers secreted by glands or cells.


Digestive system of the dog


Morphological nomenclature of the dog


Integumentary system of the dog


Respiratory system of the dog


Cardiocirculatory system of the dog


Dog skeletal system

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