Digestive system of the dog

digest and assimilate nutrients

digestive system

The digestive system consists of:

  • mouth : orifice through which food enters. It performs numerous functions: chewing. Digestive and respiratory. It also intervenes in speech

  • esophagus : organ of the digestive system that joins the mouth cavity with the stomach and allows the passage of the food bolus to the stomach

  • stomach : organ of the digestive system where a significant part of digestion takes place

  • small intestine : muscular organ, portion of the intestine that starts from the pylorus of the stomach and ends with the ileociecal valve. Divided into duodenum, jejunum and ileum. It connects the stomach to the large intestine. It contains important phases of the digestive process

  • digestive glands (pancreas): is a large gland located in the abdomen closely connected to the small intestine. It is responsible for producing enzymes for digestion and insulin, an important hormone for the regulation of circulating glucose and available for cells and tissues

  • digestive glands (liver): large gland, the largest in the body. Located in the abdominal cavity, it is attached to the digestive tract. It is an indispensable organ for the life of the organism and has several functions

  • large intestine : Final section of the intestine. It is between the ileociecal valve and the anal orifice, It is formed by the cecum, colon and rectum and digestion is completed inside it.


Dog skeletal system


Morphological nomenclature of the dog


Respiratory system of the dog


Cardiocirculatory system of the dog


Endocrine system of the dog


Integumentary system of the dog

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