How to wash the dog

perform the bath at its best

bathroom dog

Dogs do not need too frequent washing: it is sufficient to wash it 4 or 5 times a year, reaching a maximum of once a month for show dogs.

Unfortunately, even the most delicate cleanser often takes away the sebaceous layer of the skin necessary to keep skin and coat healthy.

Better to use dry foams that clean the coat and deodorize the dog. If we have to choose a detergent, however, never use bubble baths for humans but a specific product with a slightly acid pH.

At the time of the bath it is better to ask another person for help, especially if the dog does not like this operation very much: use a bathtub or a tub and equip yourself with shampoo, towel, a brush and a mat to place the dog freshly washed. Depending on the hair and the season we should also think about the hairdryer!

bathroom dog

Gradually bring the animal closer to the tub filled halfway with lukewarm water, introduce it very gently and start bathing the dog with the specific product diluted with water starting from the back up to the head.

Care must be taken not to get water into the dog's eyes and ears to avoid the risk of ear infections. The rinsing must be particularly careful and the drying, especially in winter, must be well done.

In summer, just a wipe with a towel and a nice walk in the sun is enough! Once dried, we move on to brushing to be performed in the direction of the hair and in case of persistent knots, we also proceed to cut the matted hair with a scissors.


The ages of the dog, puppy, adult and senior dog


The dog's bed, a comfortable shelter


Dog ear care


The motion and rest of the dog


Take a walk with the dog, pay attention to the weather conditions


Dog paws and nails care

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