Traveling with the dog

motion sickness travel sickness

ear morphology

Traveling with the dog, going on vacation together can be a pleasant experience as long as the pet does not suffer from motion sickness. The car is the most used vehicle and the most hated as one out of six dogs suffers from motion sickness, that is, motion sickness.

The dog that suffers from it is usually agitated, trembles, yawns often, has profuse salivation, nausea, retching and vomiting.

Usually the disorder appears as a puppy and can be fought using tricks such as carrying his favorite toy or blanket in the car, keeping the cockpit ventilated and inserting stops to make him take a walk and drink a sip of water .

Motion sickness, motion sickness away

If we find ourselves in the presence of a particularly agitated dog or you have to embark on a journey on a vehicle that is new to him, it will be better to ask the vet about a product that, administered before the trip, eliminates the inconvenience.


Dog shearing


Dog paws and nails care


Dog ear care


Dog teeth care


Attention to the puppy


Take a walk with the dog, pay attention to the weather conditions

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