Reduce water consumption

environmental and economic waste

waste water


Reducing water consumption is a need that is increasingly felt, not only from an economic point of view, but also from the point of view of environmental protection.

  • Do not forget the open faucets.
  • Add a breakwater to the faucets so as to enrich the water jet with air; this allows a family of three to save up to 6000 liters of water a year.
  • Take a shower instead of a bath in the tub. 1200 liters of water per year are saved.
  • Have the internal system leaks quickly adjusted. A tap that drips at the rate of 90 drops per minute wastes 2000 liters of water a year.
  • Do not use too many household cleaning chemicals. To disinfect and polish just enough water and a little vinegar or bicarbonate.
  • To solve the problem of limescale without using highly polluting chemical additives, install anti-limescale systems and water bactericides, with electromagnetic physical functioning, that do not alter the composition of the water and in addition allow a saving in consumption energy and less maintenance of household appliances.
  • Do not use the WC as a Dump of Toxic substances (paints, lacquers, Chemicals, cigarettes, solvents) otherwise the functionality of the sewage system will be reduced.
  • Water the vegetable garden with rain water previously collected and the flowers and plants in pots with water already used to wash vegetables and fruit; in this way 6000 liters of water can be recovered per year.
  • Make the washing machine or dishwasher run at full load; this results in savings of 10,000 liters of water per family per year.
  • Wash the dishes immediately after meals, remove the coarse dirt, season the pasta in the pan while still hot without making another bowl.
  • Use the pasta cooking water to wash dishes and dishes; this water has a strong degreasing power and thus saves both water and detergents.
  • Close the tap while brushing your teeth: this saves up to 4500 liters a year for a family of three.

  • Use a faucet or crank system instead of flushing toilet to drain the toilet; each family thus saves about 25,000 liters a year


Water meter


Air in the radiators


Drain piping


Drain instrallations


The aqueduct


Septic tanks and black wells

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