Washing machine and dishwasher

how to install them in the kitchen

dishwasher kitchen

In case you need to install a washing machine or dishwasher in your kitchen, do not despair.

Often the operation is very simple because in modern houses there are already predispositions and it will be sufficient to connect the inlet hose to the water tap, the drain and insert the plug.

In the event that the kitchen does not have the predispositions we will be able to obtain a tap for the water inlet hose by applying a bracket fitting on a water branch and draining it through the sink drain.

collegare_lavastoviglie lavatrice cucina

The filling tap will also be able to obtain it more simply by creating a deviation from the cold water intake of the sink mixer by inserting a tap between the fitting and the joint on the wall.

An idea to reduce power consumption is to connect the dishwasher directly to the hot water system. In this way the dishwasher will have to consume less energy to heat the water needed for washing.

sifone lavello cucina scarico

The discharge of household appliances

Water is discharged from the appliances via an internal pump.

You can connect the drains to the fittings or to the siphon of the kitchen sink.


The drain valves


Boiler maintenance


The toilet water closet


Fit the gas hose


Geberit pipes


Cleaning the boiler

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