Rust on the bodywork

where it occurs and how to eliminate it

paint car body

Rust on the bodywork can appear from scratches or dents that expose the metal of the bodywork.

Or over time it can appear where water tends to stagnate, i.e. in the doors, near the corners of the windows and on the bottom of the car.

For this reason it is necessary to intervene promptly and restore the protective varnish layer.

Let's see how to proceed in these cases:

  1. We limit the area to be treated with adhesive tape including a good area of ​​the surrounding area
  2. We sand until the metal is exposed
  3. We apply the rust inhibitor
  4. If the rust has affected the thickness of the sheet, we proceed by spreading some metallic putty with a spatula and let it dry for 24 hours
  5. Sand to bring the grouted area level
  6. If there are still gaps, we restyle the grout
  7. If the grouted area is well leveled, lightly sand it with fine paper (grain size 600) to prepare it for painting
  8. Clean the area to be painted well with a clean rag soaked in alcohol to degrease the surface well
  9. We paint with the spray gun blending on the adjacent area
  10. If the touch-up is small we can use spray paint made by our trusted paint shop (with the car color code the paint shop will provide you with the exact shade you need)
spray guns

How to paint

We apply the paint by spraying (with the gun or the can) by first spraying horizontally then after a few minutes vertically.

After a week the paint will be absolutely dry. We then apply some abrasive paste and with the rag we pass it on the edges of the painted area to connect it with the rest of the bodywork.


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