Types of BBQ plates

different materials

Traditional cooking methods on the grill can lead us to give up a nice BBQ with friends, as they create countless inconveniences.

A convenient alternative is cooking with steel, cast iron and lava stone plates.

cast iron barbecue plate

The stainless steel plate

The cooking method made using the "stainless steel plate" allows us to cook in 8 minutes and clean everything in 5 minutes! Ustenitic stainless steel guarantees excellent corrosion resistance, hygiene, ease of cleaning and never needs other investments. It is undoubtedly the best material among all types of griddle and is even used in all the best cooking technology in restaurants.

cast iron barbecue griddle

Cast iron and soapstone plate

Even the cast iron and soapstone plates which are characterized by their ability to trap heat, allow for quick and even dietary cooking. The soapstone or cast iron BBQs consist of a plate placed on a stove on which to cook everything, from pasta to desserts, from fish to meat and vegetables.

cast iron barbecue plate

Steatite known as soapstone or soapstone

Since ancient times this particular type of stone, thanks to its characteristics, was used for the construction of cooking plates. The main property of Soapstone is that it easily accumulates heat and then releases it very slowly.


BBQ cutlery


Barbecue with lid


BBQ lighters


BBQ gloves


Differences between barbecue and grill


Types of grids

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