Lime color

transparencies and irregularities overlay colors

The lime effect is very elegant and is obtained by applying a light vinyl base as a base and then the opaque color with the brush so that the base color can be seen.

color lime whitewash

Let's see in order the realization phases of this technique:

  • First of all apply the light base color and let it dry. Prepare the color with 1 parts of opaque emulsion and 4 of transparent varnish. Keep in mind that the consumption is 1 liter every 3 square meters.

  • Paint the surface irregularly with the brush using it until there is no more paint to accentuate the irregularity of the color.

  • Now tap the color with the tip of the brush.

  • Repeat these steps a few times to get good coverage.

  • Apply a light matte varnish so that the surface is more resistant and washable.

lime color painter

The colors for this technique

This technique is based on the superposition of two colors, a light base and a darker one. The color combination must be carefully evaluated to obtain the desired effect.


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