Wolf mouth box

we tidy up the workshop

wolf's mouth

To make this custom-made filing cabinet we used the cassettes called "wolf's mouths" as container drawers thanks to their size that perfectly suited the occasion.

The main phases for the realization were:

  • Maximum size relief , it had to adapt to the space under the work bench.
  • Design of the filing cabinet , indicating the size of each MDF panel (acronym of Medium Density Fibrebord, medium density fiber panel) needed. We have chosen MDF panels for their low cost and flatness. They are extensions used in the realization of furnishings.
  • Purchase of the material , we have provided the panels already cut to size for simplicity by our trusted supplier.
  • Sign of the holes to be made on the panels , and drilling with self-made template to reduce processing times. Placing the template was sufficient to drill. This also helps to match punctures by reducing the margins of error.
  • Assembly , inserting the pins and gluing all the contact surfaces in addition to the wood screws placed in the positions of greatest effort.

Difficulties and dimensional tolerances

The construction work is not very difficult, but it will be important to have long clamps and a drill.

The most delicate issue is design. Keep in mind that a tolerance of a couple of millimeters will be enough to insert the piece of furniture in the niche but check the measurements and any protrusions and narrowings.

As regards the mouths of wolves instead, to guarantee a good flow, apply at least 5 mm of tolerance.


Perforated tool holder panels


Paint and finish the wooden furniture


Stop Block Cuts


I will build a dog kennel


Pipe holder in solid zebrano wood


Wooden box

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