Make a DIY shelf

all you need to know

Building DIY a shelf for books, tools or objects can be a simple job to start doing craft projects. However, to obtain the desired result it will be necessary to pay attention to some factors.

The weight that it will have to bear is an important project datum. Supporting a heavy encyclopedia rather than a jar with a flower will totally change the shape of the shelf.

Weight will affect the thickness and type and number of wall mounts.

wall shelves

Choice of material

If you choose to use wood, which is cheap and simple to work, we can use solid wood boards or plywood or chipboard panels. We see advantages and disadvantages.

  • Solid wood boards , a noble and long-lasting material to be enhanced, avoid painting with paintings that hide wood, simply use furniture wax, linseed oil, also excellent for pickled type finishes that bring highlight the grain of the wood. If you choose the fir the costs will be contained.
  • Plywood panels , very rigid in proportion to their thickness thanks to the arrangement of the wood fibers. However, do not underestimate the thickness of the panel in case of heavy weights. Abound a little. Beware of poplar plywood, very soft wood, not suitable for shelves.
  • Chipboard panels , they are very cheap and stable over time, they hold deformations quite well. Excellent in the case of lacquered coating. For wet environments, use phenolic panels.
shelf shelf

Finishing of the shelf

    orbital roto sander
  • Wax or linseed oil finish , they will protect the wood, enhancing its natural finish. Over time it will be necessary to reapply the finish.
  • Pickled and impregnating finish , painted with highly diluted enamel of the desired color and polished to bring out the natural wood grain. Even the impregnated enhance the texture of the wood and allow to give a color without hiding the material. Council to paint with a transparent protective coating afterwards. More complicated but impressive technique.
  • Flatting finish , paint the shelf with continuous and homogeneous brushstrokes, once well dried, smooth with a fine thin glass (at least 400 grit) until a smooth surface is obtained. Sanding requires patience, a good sander helps!
shelf tiles shelf team

References sizing and fixing

Weight Material thickness Number of fasteners Type of fasteners
1/5 Kg Solid wood 10 mm 1 every 90 cm squares or anchoring brackets
6/10 Kg Solid wood 20 mm 1 every 70 cm squares or anchoring brackets
11/20 Kg Solid wood 30 mm 1 every 60 cm squares or anchoring brackets
1/5 Kg plywood 7 mm 1 every 90 cm squares or anchoring brackets
6/10 Kg plywood 14 mm 1 every 70 cm squares or anchoring brackets
11/20 Kg plywood 21 mm 1 every 60 cm squares or anchoring brackets
1/5 Kg Chipboard 10 mm 1 every 90 cm squares or anchoring brackets
6/10 Kg Chipboard 18 mm 1 every 70 cm squares or anchoring brackets
11/20 Kg Chipboard 22 mm 1 every 60 cm squares or anchoring brackets


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