Hammer nails and screws

tools for fixing and assembly

The hammer

There are an incredible variety of types of hammers, but the typical one of the carpenter consists of a special door that has a forked pen useful for extracting the nails.

hammer carpenter

In the carpenter's workshop there must also be hammers and mallets made of wood or rubber to hit chisels and gouges or to hit wooden parts without damaging them.


wood nails

The nails that in some cases can replace the clamps in the gluing phases should only be used for more rustic jobs. The nails must be made so as not to break the wood along the fibers, so it is necessary to stay away from the corners of the boards and avoid inserting several nails close together on the same grain. Possibly plant the nails in the clear part of the grain that is more elastic.


The staples are one of the least aesthetic junctions but thanks to their speed they are used for assembling mass-produced furniture. There are also very powerful spot-welders capable of planting 14 mm long staples.

Wood screws

self-drilling wood screw

There is a large variety; of screws of the most different shapes and materials.

Wood grades are slightly conical and have a thread that only partially covers the length of the screw. This is due to the fact that the thread tends to move away the boards during screwing so instead the smooth part without setting allows a better seal always taking care that the thickness of the table that you want to fix is ​​less than or equal to the length of the part smooth of the screw.

Screw/Unscrew and locked screws

To screw a screw correctly, it is necessary to use a suitable screw fighter and without exerting excessive pressure, rotate and remain perpendicular to the surface.

In order not to create cracks in the wood, it is a good rule to drill with a guide hole the plates it fixes. The diameter of the hole should normally be 85% / 95% of the screw diameter.

If a screw has difficulty penetrating the wood, rub it with soap to screw it in more easily.

If you need to unscrew and the operation is difficult, hit the screw using the screwdriver as a chisel.

If you still can not move it, heat it with a soldering iron and wait for it to cool. The heat metal expansion should unlock the screw.


Measuring instruments and sign


Stones for sharpening


Saw the wood


Japanese saws

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