Silver cleaning must be performed periodically, many of the products on the market are too aggressive and instead of polishing they can damage our silverware. Polishing silverware is one of the cult phases of spring cleaning, so here's how to proceed to clean silver with simple, but effective, baking soda.
What do we need to clean silver with baking soda?
- A container large enough to house the silver object to be polished.
- A sheet of aluminum foil large enough to line the container.
- A few tablespoons of baking soda (one tablespoon for every liter of water)
- A few tablespoons of table salt (one tablespoon for every liter of water)
- Hot water
Let the baking soda act for about an hour and dry it with a soft cloth.
The toothpaste
We could also use toothpaste, an excellent rinse aid not only for silverware but also for metal objects. You need: toothpaste, demineralized hot water and neutral soap.
Let's proceed by carefully washing the objects with hot water and neutral soap, then apply toothpaste and rub with the help of a toothbrush or cloth. Dry with a soft cloth.
If these natural remedies aren't enough, we can polish the silverware using one of the many polish offered on the market. With the growing popularity of organic cleaning products, there is no shortage of biodegradable silver cleaners, capable of acting in a gentle and safe way!