Cleaning the bed

make the bed

You need to have a set of sheets with pillowcases, a foam mattress cover and a duvet or a blanket depending on the season.

For good hygiene, the sheets should be changed every 15 days in winter and at least every week in summer. The bed must be made every morning after having aired the room.

First of all, you will have to put the foam mattress cover between the mattress and the bottom sheet, then place the bottom sheet on top, choosing it from the set of sheets.

Bottom sheet

The sheet in question is easily distinguished, because it is the one with the corners equipped with elastic. The elastics allow the fabric to adhere well to the mattress, without leaving creases and the bed will be more comfortable.

lenzuola letto

Top sheet

Then you will move on to the top sheet, which can be easily fixed, because it does not have elasticated corners. It does not need to adhere perfectly to the mattress: you just need to be careful to make a large fold in the upper part, called a turn, in order to leave space for the pillow. In the lower part, the top sheet will be placed under the mattress. Remember that the top sheet must be turned inside out, so that the top fold is in the right direction, that is, from the right.


Once the pillows have a pillowcase each, they will be placed in the part that was uncovered by the top sheet, right where the wide fold begins. At this point we have to roll out the bedspread and make a turn here as well, so as to fold the fold over the sheet.

Pillow covers

Slip the pillow covers and pillow cases onto the pillows and set them aside. If you are in the winter season, put the duvet on top of the pillows, in a hasty way, if you are in the summer season, put a bedspread and make the turn with the top sheet.


Bedroom cleaning


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