Bathroom cleaning

shower, toilet, bidet, tub and sink

Anti-limescale, shower, toilet, bidet, bathtub and sink: how to clean the bathroom with natural blends? Easy with the ingredients and doses to create 100% natural blends that will bring your bathroom back to shine.

create your natural cleaning product with:

  • White vinegar (disinfectant and degreaser)
  • Bicarbonate (whitening and sanitizing)
  • Alcohol
  • Water

Two economical and natural ingredients that will allow you to create a fabulous antibacterial cream for sanitary ware that can also be used to clean the toilet in a simple way!


How to clean the bathtub? Over time, the bathtub also begins to age. If the surface is by now rough, dull and stained, it's time to run for cover. the trick is to use a concentrated disinfectant:

  • Close the tub drain and, using the dispenser normally found in these products, pour it onto the edges of the tub starting from the top.
  • Let the product act for at least ten minutes.
  • Once ten minutes have elapsed, open the drain and rinse the surface using the shower jet.

This way you'll get a stain-free, but above all well-disinfected, tank. To drain, proceed with a degreasing cleaning, wiping the surface with a sponge soaked in vinegar, an economical and effective remedy.


Cleaning the toilet


Cleaning the bathtub and shower cubicle


How to clean the washing machine


Cleaning of the sink and bidet

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