How to clean the washing machine

internal, external, limescale removal

Cleaning the washing machine is essential both for its aesthetics and to make it last longer over the years. First, you need a mixture to clean the outside of the washing machine and the door, here's what you need:

  • 1 tablespoon of liquid castile soap
  • 100 ml of white vinegar
  • 500 ml of water
  • 4 drops of lemon essential oil
  • 1 tablespoon of baking soda

Pour all the ingredients into a spray, shake well and spray on the surfaces of the appliance, wipe with a damp sponge and that's it!

cleaning washing machine

Washing machine interior

To clean the inside of the washing machine, one of the first operations to do is to keep the water loading and unloading filters clean. These are mesh filters that should be checked and cleaned at least once a year.

The loading filters are positioned where the hoses enter the washing machine, while the drain filter is typically positioned on the front and is protected by a flap. The removal of the filters must be done with the washing machine at rest and after making sure that you have closed the water taps. As a precaution, we place a basin under the point where you are removing the filter.


To clean the washing machine, in order to dissolve any limescale build-up, we can pour a glass of vinegar into the drum, and more vinegar into the detergent and softener compartment, then start the washing machine for a wash cycle empty.

Vinegar is also very useful for cleaning the trays and the rubbers of the door opening, if mold has already formed, with a mixture of water and vinegar.

Bad smells

Are we looking for an ecological and effective solution to remove the bad smell from the washing machine?

We recommend using vinegar, lemon and baking soda. First, remove the detergent tray, wash it with a sponge soaked in vinegar to remove any residue, rinse it and put it back in the washing machine. Mix the juice of one lemon with the water and sprinkle it inside the washing machine drum.

With the previous mixture, using a sponge, wash the rubber of the gaskets, taking care to eliminate any dirt and various residues, which accumulate inside. Have the washing machine do a vacuum wash by inserting a glass of vinegar and two tablespoons of baking soda through the detergent compartment.

Wash at 90 degrees, in order to allow maximum sanitation of the appliance avoiding the spin cycle!


Bathroom cleaning


Cleaning the bathtub and shower cubicle


Cleaning the toilet


Cleaning of the sink and bidet

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