How to clean the iron

little steam and encrustations

How can we make a mixture to free the small holes in the iron plate?

We need to have:

  • White vinegar and water in equal parts

Let's prepare the mixture and put it in the iron tank, then turn it on and let the steam escape until the mixture is exhausted. Together with the steam, we will see every trace of dust or limestone coming out of the holes.

clean iron

We can also heat the iron and unplug it, rub a piece of Marseille soap on the plate. Let it cool and pass a sheet of crumpled newspaper. The first time it is switched on, we pass the iron over a clean cloth.

We can also prepare an effervescent paste by mixing 2 tablespoons of baking soda and lemon juice. Apply it immediately to the iron plate by rubbing with a sponge, then rinse with a damp cloth.

Iron burns

Finally, how can we remove iron burns? We wash the stain with warm water in which we will dissolve a little borax or dab them with a cloth soaked in diluted 3% hydrogen peroxide. Finally rinse in cold water!

manuale faidate


The household linen


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manuale faidate


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