How to clean the bedroom closet

clean it before putting clothes back in place

Let's start by vacuuming it and passing a damp cloth over the entire surface, fitting, if possible, the drawers with scented paper for wardrobes, which separate the clothes from the wood.

You need to clean it up before putting your clothes back in place. using the vacuum cleaner, cleaning it from dust and washing the walls and drawers with a "do it yourself" detergent or a product on the market. If we intend to modify the wardrobe in some way by adding and / or removing shelves and drawers or repainting it, this is the time to do it since it is empty.

If the closet is spacious enough, we probably didn't just store clothes inside, but boxes full of memories as well. We complete the work, examining the contents of the same and selecting the objects to keep, throwing away the rest. Here's how:

  • Throw away all magazines and objects stored for years that if they have no emotional and sentimental value
  • Let's put the boxes in order and group them to save space. If the cupboard is already full, some items may be stored in high places. For example, arrange photo albums on a shelf or in the bookcase
  • If we have always used cardboard boxes, replace them with plastic containers as they are cheaper but more resistant and nicer.
  • We put labels on the containers to know what they contain. They will make our work easier the next time we tidy up the wardrobe.

We can really indulge ourselves in adding a touch of style to the wardrobe, considering that we use it every day. If we embellish it well, we will think twice in the future before leaving everything in clutter.

We could:

  • Add some mirrors to make it brighter
  • Hang scarves, foulards, ties and belts in plain sight (as long as there is space)
  • stick a poster or a painting inside that can put us in a good mood when you see it!


Cleaning the bed


Tidying up the laundry drawer


How to organize the closet


Bedroom cleaning

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