Cleaning of the sink and bidet

clean and sanitize

Bidet and sink: how to clean the bathroom with natural blends? Easy with the ingredients and doses to create 100% natural blends that will bring your bathroom back to shine.

cleaning sink

Here's how to clean sinks and taps with the best grandma's remedies. If you need to clean and make the porcelain sanitary ware and their taps shine, you can take advantage of the excellent descaling power of bicarbonate. Prepare a mixture with it according to the following doses:

  • ¾ low in bicarbonate
  • ¼ of water

With these two simple ingredients, make a dough with a creamy but not too liquid consistency. If you notice that the preparation tends to drip too much, you can add more baking soda until you get the right consistency.

With the help of a slightly moistened sponge, pass the product you created over the sink and bidet and over all the taps.

Rub the areas to be cleaned by insisting more on the areas most encrusted with limescale. Rinse with warm water and wipe all the parts you treated with a dry sponge cloth to remove the water. This will prevent limescale from forming again!


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