How to eliminate odors in the house

the causes of bad smells

To overcome the problem of "bad" smells we must first air the rooms of the house at least twice a day. Therefore, important hygiene rules must be followed to prevent its spread.

The use of air fresheners is not a valid remedy: perfumes manage to partially hide odors, but do not eliminate them as they are often composed of chemical ingredients, therefore not natural and partially toxic !. To eradicate them definitively it is necessary to have:

  • for the refrigerator and dishwasher: coffee grounds or white wine vinegar.
  • for cooking smells: we boil water with vinegar whose vapors, spreading around the room, will carry away the smells.
  • for the crockery and worktops: we use a lemon cut by rubbing carefully.
  • for bathroom fixtures: white wine vinegar.
  • for the toilet: baking soda and hot water scrubbing with a brush.
  • for drains: apple cider vinegar and hot water by putting a spoonful inside the pipes, let it act for half an hour then drain a bucket of boiling water.
  • for the odious smell of smoke: baking soda or vegetable carbon dust by emptying the ashtray often and washing the curtains often.
  • for wardrobes, drawers and shoe racks: lavender or essential oils to sprinkle on newspaper.
  • for the bedroom, where old furniture, mothballs and shoe racks leave bad smells, we could use orange peels to add cloves or lavender bags.
  • for the garbage can we can use clay balls that cover the bottom.

However, let's never forget this simple rule: careful and regular cleaning of the rooms will certainly not allow the formation of mold and bad smells!


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