Like having bright windows and glass

perfect cleaning without streaks

We remove the curtains, dust and wash the windows first with water and alcohol or a drop of bleach or vinegar , especially if the windows they are white.

We then use a brush and a damp rag to clean the windowsills, shutters and shutters.

clean windows

For the glass, instead, we use a spray container to be filled half with hot water and half with white vinegar (or we use a special detergent for glass on the market): we rub using old newspapers which are an excellent solution to make glass shine or microfiber cloths.

The curtains

Once the curtains have been washed, we can hang them again on the hooks or on the rod: it doesn't matter if they are still wet because, except in isolated cases, the fabrics used for modern curtains they dry wonderfully and wrinkle-free by themselves hanging on the window, as soon as the wash cycle is finished.

manuale faidate


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manuale faidate


Cleaning of balconies and terraces

manuale faidate


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