Clean the upholstery


We need to equip ourselves with some things. Here is the list:

  • A sponge
  • Warm water
  • Neutral soap
  • Mild bleach
  • Magic eraser
  • Toothbrush

To carry out an effective and non-aggressive cleaning, simply use a sponge soaked in warm water, possibly with the addition of neutral soap.

It is important to remember, however, that the sponge must be well wrung out and that the water must not be too hot, as the paper or fabric could come loose from the wall. We will have to clean from top to bottom, using a ladder or a stick to apply the sponge, insisting on the most dirty points.

If there are limited spots, we will have to act directly on them, rubbing a sponge or toothbrush for a longer time, but always very gently.


In this case, in addition to water and soap, you can use a few drops of delicate and well-diluted bleach, paying close attention to the color and texture of the paper or fabric.

Only if the stains continue to be present, then you can try using a degreaser, as long as it is mild. Furthermore, there is a special product on the market for cleaning wallpaper, it is the "magic" rubber: just moisten it and rub it so that the stain is not completely gone!

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