The external electrical system

precautions and materials to make outlets and outdoor light points

outdoor tincture box

To make an electrical system outdoors, such as in the garden or on the terrace, we must remember that water and dust can cause serious damage.

neon waterproof pendant lamp 55

For this, you will need to use the appropriate materials such as drainage boxes and waterproof fridge holders and double insulated electric tools.

Depending on the degree of moisture and dust resistance, electrical equipment is classified by the IP (International Protocol) standard.

We can use plastic tubes in the exterior to be inserted into the boxes by the appropriate gaskets to be cut according to the size of the tube itself.

International Protocol IP

Depending on the level of protection against atmospheric agents, electrical equipment is classified in:

Grade IP


IP 44

Protection against bulky solid bodies; Large of 1mm.

Liquid, Steam and Splash Protection.

The penetration of solid and liquid bodies should not damage the unit.

IP 54

Full protection against penetration of solid and liquid bodies.

The penetration of solids and liquids should not damage the unit.

IP 55

Full protection against penetration of solid bodies, powders and liquids and water jets.

The penetration of solids and liquids should not damage the unit.

IP 65

Full protection against penetration of solid bodies, powders and liquids and water jets.

The penetration of solids and liquids should not damage the unit.

IP 66

Total protection against the penetration of solid bodies, powders and liquids and jets of water and burrs.

The penetration of solids and liquids should not damage the unit.

IP 68-XX

Total protection against the penetration of solid bodies, powders and liquids and jets.

The XX figure indicates the maximum depth in meters where the equipment can be immersed.


High voltage, transport of electricity


The dangers of the electric current


First Aid electrocution


The italian law


Grounding system

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