Electrician equipment

indispensable tools for small repairs

For small repairs, a few simple tools will be needed.

Only professional electricians have the most complex equipment to analyze electrical systems.

Let's remember not to spare and focus on quality because in this case it goes our life. An inadequate equipment may expose us to serious risks.

But let's see what are the indispensable tools:

cacciaviti isolati elettricista


Electric screwdrivers, unlike common screwdrivers, are isolated from current. Not only the handle is made of plastic but also the metal stem and covered with plastic and only the tip available in the different sizes (star, cut, etc ..)

forbici elettricista isolate


Electric scissors usually have shorter and more robust blades, a special notch to help strike the wires and a handle in insulating plastic material.

pinza spelafili cavi automatica

Stripping pliers    

These special clamps allow you to remove the sheath to the electric cable without affecting the underlying copper.

They are of the simplest type or with automatic shots.

morsetti elettrici mammut

Wicker clamps and mammoths


These clamps of different sizes are used to connect or connect the wires.


It is always advisable not to thread the wires by wrapping them only with the insulating tape because it does not guarantee the necessary mechanical seal.

multimetro digitale tester

Multimeter, tester


This instrument can be used to perform several current measurements (Volt, Ampere, Ohm).


It consists of a unit with two metal-toothed wires to connect with live cables.


To perform measurements you need to work with some of the open and live cables, so you must use particular caution in using this tool.

nastro isolante elettricista

Insulating tape


This special tape made of plastic allows you to isolate the uncovered cables to avoid contact.


It is available in different colors.    

Remember, however, that you do not use it to tie the cables, for this operation we have to use the specific caps or mammoth terminals.

cacciavite cercafase

Screwdriver for phase testing    

This tool that has the shape of a screwdriver allows you to detect the current presence.


In his handle & egrave; there is a light bulb that closing the circuit with our body lights up without the need for & ograve; create no danger to our safety.


The passing current is so small that it does not cause any harm to the body, but still sufficient to turn on the light bulb.

sonda molla passacavi elettricista

Cableway Probe Spring


This special spring has a spring-loaded, spring-loaded guide tip and allows you to drag the cables inside the corrugated tubes embedded in the walls.


They are often made of plastic material and are available in different sections and lengths depending on the specific needs.




Electrical resistance


Short circuit


The phase and the electrical power


Single-phase and three-phase electrical system


Voltage and electric current

Portaombrelli design Luca Perlini


Portaombrelli design Luca Perlini

Attaccapanni equilibrio design Luca Perlini


Attaccapanni equilibrio design Luca Perlini

Letto baldacchino design Luca Perlini


Letto baldacchino design Luca Perlini

Tavolo cave design Luca Perlini


Tavolo cave design Luca Perlini

Attaccapanni Bitta set design Luca Perlini


Attaccapanni Bitta design Luca Perlini

Attaccapanni Bitta set design Luca Perlini


Poltrona Ozio design Luca Perlini

Portaombrelli design Luca Perlini

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