Room by room like a cleaning company

tackle cleaning in small doses

Let's proceed room by room and from top to bottom . We move the smaller objects and take care of the furniture: especially in the bathroom and in the kitchen we empty the cabinets, clean the inside with water and alcohol or with water and vinegar, if we prefer " ecological cleaning ", then let it dry and put the utensils back.


Before putting away the plates, cutlery and crockery, wash them too with hot water and dry them with a cloth or, if we have one, use the dishwasher.

As for the living room, if we have a nice bookcase in the house, we dust every book and carefully clean all the shelves and shelves.

Do we have rugs? Let's place them on the railing of a balcony or outdoors, then beat them with a carpet beater, and if we don't have them, use a broom handle. The rugs can also be cleaned and revived the color by passing a brush with hot water and vinegar over the entire surface.

The Battipanni

We also use the carpet beater on cushions and paddings: in this phase we leave the covers on sofas and beds because they will be useful to protect the furniture from raised dust. Before making the beds we could also sanitize the mattresses by passing a sponge wet with hydrogen peroxide.


Like having bright windows and glass

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How to eradicate ants

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How to use microfiber cloths

manuale faidate


The household linen


How to make narrow clothes wider


Remove the lint

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Attaccapanni Bitta design Luca Perlini

Attaccapanni Bitta set design Luca Perlini


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