Cocktails categories

official subdivision of cocktails

The official subdivision is in 4 categories: Pre-dinner, After-dinner, Long drinks and Popular cocktails. At the beginning of 2010, a new Special cocktails category was added, where for now there is only one cocktail.

cocktail categories
  • Pre-dinner cocktails (aperitifs) : these are blends with a clean, dry or sweet taste. They contain ingredients that stimulate appetite.
  • After-dinner cocktails (digestive) : they are blends with a dry or sweet taste. Sometimes they contain herbal liqueurs and have a medium to high alcohol content.
  • Cocktail long drink : the function of these cocktails is to quench the thirst. For this reason their alcohol content is medium-low or even absent.
  • Popular cocktails : they are cocktails that have become famous thanks to word of mouth or because they are consumed by some famous person
  • Special cocktails : cocktails dedicated to special characters, such as the photographer Phil Coburn who lost the use of his legs in an attack in Afghanistan.

In addition to these there are also cocktails "any time": these are drinks which, thanks to their characteristics (medium-low alcohol content, sweet taste), can be consumed at any time of day or night.


History of the cocktail


The Barman


The origins of the term cocktail


What is a cocktail


Drinking culture


The tools of the Barman

Portaombrelli design Luca Perlini


Portaombrelli design Luca Perlini

Attaccapanni equilibrio design Luca Perlini


Attaccapanni equilibrio design Luca Perlini

Letto baldacchino design Luca Perlini


Letto baldacchino design Luca Perlini

Tavolo cave design Luca Perlini


Tavolo cave design Luca Perlini

Attaccapanni Bitta set design Luca Perlini


Attaccapanni Bitta design Luca Perlini

Attaccapanni Bitta set design Luca Perlini


Poltrona Ozio design Luca Perlini

Portaombrelli design Luca Perlini

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