Spring stringing

of the seat of a chair to tie with string correctly

First place the seeds in pairs along the perimeter of the wooden structure in correspondence to the axes of alignment of the springs.

Once the seeds are almost completely planted they will have to be bent slightly outwards. In this way they will withstand the tension to which they will be subjected by the string.

If the lasse falls at a leg it will be necessary to plant two pairs of seeds and create a stirrup with a string. This will act as a fastener for the twine string.

Fix the string to the seed Lark foot node

Before starting the binding, compress the springs to the desired height (approximately 1/3 less theoretically, 1 cm below the final padding) with the chains provided with "S" -shaped hooks. This preparation phase is very important because it defines the final profile of the session.

You may not even use chains but the operation will be more complex.

Spring stringing Knot on the springs

At this point start the stringing following the alignment axes.

When you use the springs, the second tangent pass (at 90 ° compared to the previous one) will tie not only the springs but also the string already tight.

At the end of this phase, check the stability of the nodes and remove the chains

Closing node Strung springs Seat stringing Stringing


Strong canvas




Stuffing with horsehair




Padding springs

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