Padding springs

how to choose the padding springs, have them sewn and string them for maximum comfort

To choose the height of the springs to be used to realize the seat of the chair, measure the depth of the seat and multiply this measurement by 1.5.

If you use too short springs the padding will be stiff and brittle in the long run so choose them carefully.

Based on the number of turns, springs made of 3.4 mm wire will have the following size:

choice soft upholstering seat springs positioning

3 Spire

8 cm

4 Spire

11 cm

5 Spire

14 cm

6 Spire

17 cm

7 Spire

20 cm

For the backrests and armrests springs made of 3 mm diameter wire are used. In this case they will have a height equal to the height of the finished padding.

The arrangement of the springs on the belt should be made so as to cover the largest possible surface. The knot of the closure of the springs must always be oriented towards the center of the seat.

After positioning the springs to test their position mark the position on the straps and remove them all.

Spring sewing Springs sewn on the seat straps

Spring sewing

The springs are fixed to the straps using a sewing thread in four places, one that the string takes, as short as possible, between the springs.

The seams will have fixing nodes so that the springs remain in place. To do this, use a mattress needle. The first three points for each spring will be made according to the first drawing from the inside of the chair to the outside. The fourth that blocks the seam will be made differently from the outside towards the inside. The seams will form a fret pattern visible on the straps.


Spring stringing


Stuffing with horsehair


Strong canvas





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